More Information For John Lapinski
- What phone number does John Lapinski currently have?
We believe John Lapinski's phone number to be (201) 447-6767.
- Where does John Lapinski live?
We found that John Lapinski's currently lives at 11 Bucky Lane, Vernon, NJ 07462.
- What email address does John Lapinski use?
We found John Lapinski's email address and it is buf****
- What year was John Lapinski born?
John Lapinski is 73 years old and was born in the year 1951.
- Who are some of John Lapinski's relatives?
- Is John Lapinski married or in a relationship?
John Lapinski has a 58% chance of being married or in a relationship.
- Is John Lapinski rich?
John Lapinski seems to make an income between $65K and $75K.
Social Media Accounts
Found 1 Social Media Account for John Lapinski